Claybrooke Parva sign
Claybrooke Parva sign


Claybrooke Parva churchClaybrooke Parva is one of the smallest villages in Leicestershire to have a parish council. This means that we do not meet as often as some large parishes because fewer issues arise. By statute, we must meet at least three times per year in addition to the Annual Meeting. Meetings are held in the school hall at 7.00 pm.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. At each meeting, an Agenda item: Public Participation allows time for any issue or matter relating to the parish to be raised.

If you wish to put an item on the agenda, please contact The Clerk. Meeting dates are listed on the calendar on this website. A full set of minutes from the latest meeting can be viewed here, or on the village notice board situated opposite Western Drive.



Dates of 2024/25 Parish Council meetings


Please see attached link:

Claybrooke Parva meeting dates 2024:25



Discover exciting opportunities to contribute to the Claybrooke Parva community on our Vacancies page.



The next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 5th March 2025 in Claybrooke Parva School Hall.



Agendas & Minutes will be posted on notice boards and this website

Minutes will be posted within one month of the previous meeting.